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DePAVE the Way to a greener world, one driveway at a time!


Join Us for the 2025 Depaving Season!

Email us at to get onto our depaving update list.


Join neighbors to remove asphalt from their driveways and yards to restore natural green spaces!


Depaving heals the planet and people! It’s a nature-based solution that:

  • cools the local climate,

  • increases groundwater recharge and soil carbon absorption,

  • reduces runoff, pollution, and toxic asphalt, and

  • grows wildlife and pollinator habitat and our urban connection to nature.


The Depave the Way initiative was born in 2010 and housed by Somerville Climate Action, a grassroots group that ultimately morphed into a local climate coalition, supported by Green & Open Somerville.


Green & Open became Depave the Way’s new home in 2021, and we continue to expand depaving efforts in Somerville and beyond. It’s a movement!


Depave the Way is inspired by Depave Portland, an Oregon-based organization that’s been depaving parking lots since 2007 and hosts a global network of awesome depaving groups (including us!).


Interested in volunteering on a project, hosting your own depaving, or just getting on the depaving mailing list?


Before and After Depaving!
Depaving Driveways.png
Depave the Way Transformations.png

We focus on projects that will be at least partially replanted, since our mission is to increase green space. However, many people do want to keep parking on their driveways but also increase stormwater infiltration. This can be done by replacing asphalt with permeable surfaces. Here are some links to different options. Please note, we are linking to sites as examples of options, but are in no way recommending or suggesting any specific companies.


What is the difference between previous, permeable, and porous?!


Permeable pavers

Peastone or gravel

Grass with tire strips

Permeable pavement

SEE DEPAVING IN ACTION! Click on slideshow to pause the scrolling.

©2018 by Green & Open Somerville. Proudly created with

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